Chibwabwa - Dry Pumpkin Leaves in Pounded Groundnut Sauce


  • 2 Cups of Dry Pumpkin Leaves (Chibwabwa)
  • ½ Teaspoon Soda (Bicarbonate of Soda)
  • 2 Medium Tomatoes (chopped)
  • 1 Large Onion (chopped)
  • 1 Teaspoon Salt
  • 1 Cup Pounded Groundnuts
  • 3 Cups of Water


  1. Soak the Pumpkin Leaves: Soak the chibwabwa in warm water for about 30 minutes to rehydrate them.
  2. Rinse and Cook: After soaking, rinse the leaves thoroughly and place them in a medium pot with 3 cups of water. Add the soda and stir. Let the chibwabwa cook for about 1 hour, stirring occasionally.
  3. Add Groundnuts: Once the leaves have softened, stir in the pounded groundnuts. Lower the heat and continue stirring to prevent the groundnuts from sticking to the bottom of the pot.
  4. Add Vegetables: When the mixture begins to boil, add the chopped tomatoes, onions, and salt. Stir well and allow the dish to simmer for another 10 minutes until the flavors are fully blended.
  5. Simmer: Let the mixture simmer on low heat for 5-10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the sauce thickens and the groundnuts blend well with the chibwabwa.

Cooking Time

  • Total time: 1 hour 30 minutes
  • Prep time: 30 minutes
  • Cook time: 1 hour

Serving Suggestions

Chibwabwa is best served as a relish alongside nshima, a staple food in many African countries. The combination of tender pumpkin leaves and the rich, nutty flavor of the groundnut sauce makes this dish a delicious addition to any meal.

Chef’s Tip

For a richer flavor, add a small amount of coconut milk during the simmering process. This will create an even creamier sauce that pairs beautifully with the pumpkin leaves.

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